Slick Willy: To Impeach or Not to Impeach?

William Jefferson Blythe III is a name many may not be too familiar with. But if I said Bill Clinton or Slick Willy, more people would be able to identify the man who was the 42nd president of the United States.

Bill Clinton is an admirable man for many reasons.

  • He came from nothing as a child. He was brought up in a non-conventional lifestyle being raised by his grandparents in his early years while his mother attended nursing school in another state.
  • He attended Georgetown University with the aid of scholarships and won a Rhodes Scholarship to be able to attend Oxford. After those two prestigious schools, Clinton then attended Yale Law School.
  • He enacted NAFTA, Health Security Act, and AmeriCorps. All very beneficial parts of society today.

Even though Clinton had done good for the U.S. during his presidency, Slick Willy was a name rightfully given to Bill in 1998 when the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal came to light. The affair took place between 1995 and 1997. Clinton held a televised speech stating that “he did not have relations with that woman” *world famous Clinton impression* but Monica Lewinsky testified to having a relationship with the former president while he was married to Hillary Clinton and was later investigated for charges of perjury. This led to the process of Clinton’s impeachment but the House of Representatives decided to acquit Clinton of any perjury, obstruction of justice, and impeachment charges.

Like come on…how does one attest to not having relations with another White House employee, get put up for impeachment, barely not get impeached, and still pay fines over $100,000 worth and get disbarred all over a “non-existent” extra marital affair?????? MAYBE BECAUSE SOMEONE LIEDImage result for clinton-lewinsky

Clinton was accused six other times for sexual assault but one other case really stood out: the Paula Jones case. Clinton settled the case by paying an $850,000 settlement to Paula Jones. Pocket change for someone like him huh? False. $375,000 came from his and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal funds and he got the rest of the money, about $475,000, from an insurance policy.

Slick does not even begin to describe the actions that have faced Bill Clinton. A man who was a good politician, with questionable personal values, is still seen as a highly respected man in the realm of academics and politics has been an honorable speaker at many conventions, universities, and more. S-L-I-C-K.

Image result for bill clinton speaking

Thank you for reading everyone! You can find more information about Bill Clinton at my Facebook page 🙂